Friday, May 26, 2017

Gallery of insanity...... Stuff you don't see or may not see on facebook or Red Bubble

Title pretty much sums it up, I wanted to be able to share some of my mass insanity so you can see what weird works have crossed my path and come from my mind or the end result anyway. so without further ado.

Now some of you may be going "seen this on the red bubble"  or he posted this in another blog post or something of that matter of thinking. Yes  some of this has and some of this is mixed among that. Truth be told it's hard to keep it all straight sometimes of what is posted where. Now all of this though is part of my re-purpose porn and pop art trend I've been holding for much of this month. will it change or go back to weird freaky death stuff? Will I ever go back to posting my hand drawn works? only time will tell.
- Jebus