Monday, December 16, 2013

Randomness Things I think I posted and then some

     I got so out of synch lately. My Deviant art page has been updated a lot, but here I'll admit I pretty much dropped the ball. So to bring things up to date here's a digital art explosion (sorry for any that I may have already posted).

Now Normally I'd put some back story to these pieces, but to be honest I really don't feel that it does them any justice. So I'll leave it to you the viewer and reader of this blog to determine what is going on in my mind. I'm going to continue putting some works together and updating when I can so till then.
William Dreimann

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sketchophilia - love my work erotically.

     Working on some new sketches and for some reason stuck on drawing weird monkey creatures. (blame da monkey). My Art is flashing back and forth between old thoughts and new. I'm hoping to be able to put together something so I can do a more visual show here or through something like deviant art. Now I'm also looking to expand my artwork out to doing collage work again so if anyone would like to help me I'm thinking of doing a contrast theme along the lines of leather lace fetish or something slightly sexual. If you see any great images feel free to link them to me or even send me an email if you don't want to be obvious about it...
If you wish I will list you as anonymous. I'm thinking of going as far as nudes or as little as items you can find in online stores. Feel free to browse and share the insanity.
- William Dreimann

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sketching update..... where I'm mentally blocked

I've been working a few sketched out ideas and well not quite commissions but lets just call them favors. I feel I've hit a mental road block. Yeah I can sit and do detail work till my fingers bleed and finish off some of these crazy sketches, but I feel that I'm loosing my original idea with some of them. So here's a bit of a status update for those of you whom may be wondering on these favors.
  • "Tom Waits' Voice" - V1 is done, but I don't think it's quite what one would expect and I'm truly trying to listen more to put my own twist upon the image of a voice.
  • Heart lock and key shadow thingy - I got a basic concept but it could use a bit of polish and detail that I seem to be lacking.
  • "Monkey with Top hat, goggles and cigar" aka the sophisticated primate - I got a couple good renditions done I'm hoping to show them off but all this drawing of monkeys has gotten me thinking on my own side project of Monkey with Gun. Don't ask me where it came from but it's somewhat interfering with my thoughts.
  • "Manga Me" - I'd like to do more with the image M'lady, but I'm stuck so it may be as done as it is going to get. If you'd like I scan it to you.
Now I'll further admit some of my projects have just hit a massive halt due to lack of idea or concept fruit. these projects are as follows:
  • Nightmares - hit a snag here I don't know why but this just kinda dropped dead.
  • Wonderland United: I think I need a writer or someone to help me with the story to go with it and this will flow like wine.
  • Project Asylum: Usual halts here
I keep hitting this artistic block something where my mind just goes blank and I loose a lot of my detail work and inspiration. I think I need a muse or a tape recorder or something so I can have a reference point of mind.

I'd also like to put in place a policy to anyone who wishes art from me for tattoo's or the such. I have no issue if you would like to use one of my pieces for a tattoo or even a part of the piece. You're quite welcome to do so. All I ask in return is two simple things, one you reference me when explaining the tattoo and two I'd like a picture of it. If you don't wish it to be posted just say so but I'd like to put it with my portfolio for personal record. Thank you all again who watch and read this blog as well to those whom support this crazy artist.
- William Dreimann.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An update of works and well a bit of oddity and insanity

     So here's a basic run down on how my mind works artistically. I like to play with the visual effects of the mind. I like people to question why? So I've been leaving a lot of to the viewers and requesting odd things to draw. I'm currently working a piece set known as "Tom Waits Voice" and hoping this comes out as I hope and letting my mind expand out into things beyond my little creative world. Now for some of you out there viewing I'm thinking of getting into photography to do a bit of photo manipulation any takers on being subjects or photo manipulated?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Gallery of Insanity , my dream, my vision.

     I had a rather weird dream lately dealing with my artwork and thought I would share. In my dream I found a rather disturbing and quite unusual building to display my art. The building was in ruins yet sound enough to keep together and keep the weather out. My artwork fit on the remnants of walls and just somewhat tied this place together. Like pieces to a puzzle it all just fit. The place became my home and public gallery to my twisted bits of art. I doubt I'll ever find such a place, but I felt this was worth sharing. So if anyone out there comes across something like this please let me know.
- William Dreimann

Monday, October 21, 2013


I decided I needed to update my sketchwork as It's been a while. So here's a slew of them for those of you out there.
A visual effect of boredom on my mind. 
Tried to get sketchy with a sharpie pen 
Back to a more classical style of myself. I just couldn't get this one to expand the way they normally do. 
Tried something new. that staining is food coloring and water with some awesome classic pen and ink it's not yet done, but this I felt was a good visual.
This is the current project of my Asylum series. it's a little on the low end, but it's because I put a lot of work into shading and detailing rather than my explode and build off.
-  William Dreimann

Method to all madness = pie

I've been lurking around working on all weird bits of art. To be completely honest between life and well life I haven't had much time to share. Soooooo with that in mind my artwork is flaring up and I'm here to express myself further.

     A lot of these are photoplay images thus far. I've been working on some more devious pieces with the Halloween spirit within me.

Now as usual some of these pieces have been up on my deviant art page for a bit now, but I just hadn't gotten the time to place them up here. This blog has kind of fell to the side as well I've been lost in life. So for those of you whom follow or watch here, currently I'm back to work in my art so hopefully I'll be posting a hell of a lot more here for your eyes.
William Dreimann

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

An update of sorts.... kinda sorta eh

Well, where to begin..... I have a habit of starting projects and getting lost in them, then playing a videogame and getting lost in it so things get a bit back logged. Here's a new batch for the masses.
I know October is a bit away yet, but I somehow got in the mood to do something halloweenish. This is what happened. 
Part of my Nightmare series. I don't think it comes across the way I wanted, but I think it has a nice flare so I decided to keep it. 
I've been working on making believable flames this comes pretty close to what I wanted, but not quite there. 
This has a multitude of approaches, but overall I was trying to go minimalistic. I think it works for that, but still has some over complications.
goofing off on my tablet..... yeah I know it's kinda femme but that was what I was trying for I think the kiss is a bit much but I thought I could manipulate it to a t-shirt design.
I've been playing these lyrics in my head for a while it's sort of a Marilyn Manson approach to an inner self portrait. I think the words represent me well.