Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Inner Darkness

     I'd like to say that I'm for one thing or another, but life is a mixture of good and evil, light and dark, heaven and hell. Thus I've been on a dark swing, granted I usually tend to swing towards the darkside (as I'm told they have cookies) yet I like to experiment with my own image and this I felt was a fine reflection of what I see some mornings looking into the mirror.
     I have always liked to see someone in their darkest moment as they usually give a good reflection on who they really are deep inside. Little miss sunshine can become the red light whore or the speaker of truth and defender of the innocent. It's really quite amazing. Yet no one likes to focus on the darkside of things as it seems to make some people feel weak and out of sorts. Well here's to that beautiful part of the mind. express your inner darkness.
- William Dreimann.

Inspiration meets madness :

So this moment hit me where I decided to go abstract and try to add some inspiration to it... the following occurred. There are some fine lines crossed and some of it just doesn't make sense. Feel free to comment and share your opinions below.

- William Dreimann

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The artist once known

     I've always found art to be my outlet of my rage, my depression my emotions. I think that is why it always reflects on this darker more antisocial version of myself not that I am a people person to begin with, but I do think quite differently. My artwork is something of an inner drip slowly leaking out onto a canvas be it paper or pixels it won't make sense until the full feeling is expressed. Yet I always seem to cut the piece short of that emotion. Is this my internal flaw?
     I can draw such detail and such anger and such chaos, yet myself I can never seem to display clearly. Maybe this is what is holding me back in the world as I've not yet mentally accepted myself? Theoretically I am a monster of my own creation, my own wicked god. Yet somehow I express such a need for an outlet. A way to have my views and attributes that I'm quite proud of seen. My art is not a great example of who I am but what I feel. Some may psychoanalyze this and see some inner workings of my mind they may feel they can relate to, but I don't think they will see the whole picture. The eyes are the windows to the soul and what they see is but a glimpse of what really is. Maybe that is the answer that I'm seeing far far more than I should and thus I'm blurry in detailing myself as I'm only there as a smudge in time? Maybe I should stop thinking so much.

- William Dreimann

Self Portraiture - The inner workings of mind.

     There is nothing I hated doing more in any art class than a self portrait, thankfully in this day and age photoshop and other programs exist to allow creative self portraits without having to stare ones self in the eye for hours on end to get something that looks nothing like you. Now there are those that may question the first pic but if you follow game theory at all you may understand that by watching the video they posted about the appeture science weighted companion cube. (it's definitely worth a watch) Well back to my inner toiling's.
- William Dreimann

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

small batch of madness

I'd like to say I'm holding to a theme as of late, but I'd be lying. Some of this is legitimate emotion and others parts are small bursts of dreams.
- William Dreimann

The effect of media on art : an opinion

     I'm one for the movies and gaming, I make no statement of denying this. I feel that media has an amazing effect on the artistic views of an artist. A great story and some amazing effects keep the mind going. Especially since there are things the viewer can reflect upon. I'll admit that I've put elements of games and movies I've seen into my artwork, some may recognize it others may feel a hint of it, to the rest of the world though it's something new they have never seen. I feel it is the purpose of an artist to convey some attributes of the world they experience in their art. I'm not saying this is a requirement, but it does help connect the art to the public.
      I've seen photo's from such shows as "I am 8bit" and others that give a public expression of things we have all experienced in this day and age. It may not be in a visual experience where you can tell right away what the artist is aiming at, but it's clear enough that you can find a common ground. With visions such as this I hope to see a growth in the artistic community. Hopefully an expression of things that go beyond "meme's" and social acceptance but into things that grow and share a common bond with us all. This may be a rant of someone who is looking for an outlet, but it's also a hope that people continue to support the arts and expression of the artists.
- William Dreimann

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some of my finer pen and ink works of old:

I'll admit I've got something of a short attention span when it comes to some of my art. Either that or something occasionally gets in my way of creating for a day thus why I take a while to work out some of my pen and ink works. I'll admit some pieces I stopped on just to rest my hand or for fear of screwing the desired image up. Here are some of the good ones.
Dementia -
This was a watching T.V. and movie piece but with a nice mixture of my own insanity.

Eternal Flame Heart
This one I stopped as the detail work was killing my hand, as well I was having some issues with the wings mentally speaking.

The Hell Hound.
I stopped here as it really would have gotten a bit more torn up if I kept going. I think it was the right choice. Although I probably should finish the piping detail.

Angel 1101
This was kind of a thinking piece it's obviously demonic wing style has falling feathers which kind of fits my motif of art.

The butterfly
This was for a woman I knew, she had asked for something of a tramp stamp but had specifics on how she wanted it to appear. This was the final result.

Unholy Holy
Yeah my motif of work is kind of obvious. I used to like showing the differs between light and dark. Now it all kind of goes directly to a darker form of madness with light shining in.

sketch page
some of my free time quicky sketches nothing fantastic.

Thumbtack Heart
I'll admit I've had my heart broken before this is only a fraction of what it felt like.

For Vinnland sketches
I'm not going to explain Vinnland, I'm not. Yet I will say my lettering has improved since these pieces.

Oriental Dragon (in process)
This is one of those pieces I've been tackling slowly. I'm trying to get a proper mixture of elements and hold true to the classic oriental style.

Sanity Lost #1
no explanation for you.

My epitaph and hopefully tombstone
a mid sketch

One of the designs I had for my own design company or website yes this is recent.
- William Dreimann

A ton of stuff and not a whole lot of room to do what I want.

I've been rummaging through my old sketches and things to find a reflection piece to compare some of my more recent works with, which to say can be done, but there's this issue with getting a good scan or pic of it that keeps me from updating a huge load of pics to the blog here. I'm currently working on a few solutions. So I apologize for any of you who check back here often to see the madness that melts from my brain. It will be updated and I'll try to work on some other pieces in the mean time.
- William Dreimann

Monday, May 20, 2013

Poetic Rantings -

     As a side effect of most of my artwork occasionally come these rants that go either very macabre of poetic. Some say I have a silver tongue with words, I know it's just mental vomit from the drawings and creations of my mind. Yet I've found that this too is part of my art so I apologize as I'm going to vomit up some more of my madness on this page before you.

Badly translated -
I am an effigy of something you call mortality
A rather raised edge on the blade of society
Some may call this tragedy an indignity
as you can see though this is transparency
I am seething with animosity or is it apology
A wild world in which this is more than you can see

Crucifixion or the guillotine
wishful thinking and bactine
Middle of no where a marine
this has not yet started to become obscene

Master of many servant to none
if you only knew this has just begun
A trick of the trade get a gun
if that doesn't work then start to run
as I vomit up mental imagery to the sun
again and again we all know no one.

- William Dreimann

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sketches via tablet

I'll admit my artwork is not always normal or up to my own par. When it comes to quick creativity though I'm all about art programs and on my tablet they reign supreme. 
Here are the best of them
The Mardi Gras Mistress-
It's quick and simple but I think it expresses a darker inner side of myself.

Earl Demon -
A quick skull made a bit more nifty with some simple effects

Inner toiling
This is my good side which isn't so bad, but is limited to what he can do.

A Succubine-
modeled off of a mixture of porn and graphic dreams quite nice but always hiding something

Ode to femininity 2
Yeah this is kinda wrong, but it helped show the depths of the tools I was working with and actually gives off a nicer oddity feel.

Tortured soul
How I feel some people truly are. In their own personal hell with no head to guide them.

This was part of a series I was toying with, but it did not quite reflect the way I desired.

Inner demon
a craving for lust and darkness.

Strangled soul
Another reflection piece with a feminine twist.
- William Dreimann

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Miniature Madness

I'm a fan of vinyl records and the art done with some Vinyl Figures so a while back we bought some blank figures to let me go crazy with. This was the first. I have to finish another and need to get some more as we gave them away as party favors last year but you get the idea.
     Now for those of you whom are not familiar with this distorted face I was going for making my own personal Sweettooth the clown from the Twisted Metal series. Yeah he's not the most perfect piece of work I've ever done but it was my first and well he still stands strong.
- William Dreimann

A small batch of photoshop mutations -

     Now some out there may question about some pen and ink works I'm doing. They are still in production and cannot be turned out as fast as some of my photoshop work due to well availability of supplies. I could scan them and then photoshop them but it tends to give the piece this chunky feeling I don't like. So please don't worry I'm still penning things up.

- William Dreimann

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hidden messages in artwork -

They say every artist hides messages in their work something they were feeling something running through their mind. This is where I differ from other artists... I do nothing of the sort nor ever have. My artwork is quite direct there are no subliminal messages or oddities to my work just a menagerie of twisted images no hidden message at all. (riiiiiiiiight) I don't make nods to arguments or references to music or other artists no not me.... but then again who knows?

- William Dreimann
I make no claim that a part of this statement is true, if you find some hidden image or subtext you may want to question what you're seeing, is it really there???? It's not like I hid shit in my artwork so you stare longer at it letting it fill your soul and mind. Would I do that to you????? guess you'll never know coming from an artistic starr like me mwa ha ha ha ha ha.

Photographic self shot -

     Pics of myself but put through some awesome program effects to give it a nice artistic touch. (I'm working on a new batch of drawings and photoshop art so please bare with me...)
My ugly mug is staring your city down.....

outward scream

Once a Sony Fan always a Sony Fan

Target sighted

I've always contemplated being a conjoined twin, mama always said one of me was enough.

Ha being screamed at by a "Bill" Board

Put away that camera I'm not real

Self thought

ain't I a vicious reaper man?

What I really look like. That's right I'm super pixelated. How did you not know.
-William Dreimann

Some previous Galleries of my work, Highschool and about 8 years agoish.

     This is my gallery from about 8 years ago the artwork is crude and has sort of a love hate mechanic. You can see where the influences of today come from.
     This was my High School Senior art show. The pics don't get close enough to see great detail but you get a gist of my artistic beginnings.

- William Dreimann

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Getting the itch.....

I've got a tattoo gun and a real itch to tattoo myself up, I am not quite feeling the urge to go completely overboard with it, but the urge to tattoo keeps rising. I've yet to find a tattoo shop willing to teach a fool like me well not one that doesn't require a payment up front I can currently afford. I'm pondering if I should teach myself and experiment. I'm smart enough to keep things sterilized and the such but it's the imagery of what to emblazen on to my skin that eludes me.

- William Dreimann

Friday, May 10, 2013

More twisted artwork by me - Pen and Ink

Some of my p&i work from when I used to doodle some of my friends may recognize some of these pieces as this is how I used to run my free time at work.

All pieces copyright William Dreimann 2011. If you wish to share or use these images please give me some notification.