Creativity comes in many forms from simple design to manipulation of the senses to create a world. I tend to put things on hold to come back to a feeling or put the right emotion to my work. If I start an image happy I want to be happy drawing and putting together the image. Yet I found that creating a world requires more emotions. Yeah I've been playing with RPG Maker VX Ace. Maybe it's that I can build a character based world and let it grow or maybe that it's giving me inspiration for Wonderland United, but I am loving this odd little program. It's like a gaming world photoshop. If I could combine the two RPG Maker and Photoshop it would be most amazing.
I find my creativity is based on worlds and thoughts that I can't say aloud. A fine line of my sexual needs, a taste of the obscure and things that appeal to my eye. Thus I keep looking for more ways to express my thoughts in some new way. To be honest between the gaming creation and my love of sick and twisted. I'm finding it quite mentally stimulating. (yes I am in dire need of a job, but until I can get one to come through for me..... creating will do) I've been browsing Deviant Art looking for inspiration and almost everything that inspires me I find being a mixture of fantasy and well..... sitting on the edge of "Really Really WRONG!!!". No I'm not saying the artists that are doing these pieces are wrong or crossing a line, but I'm trying to find that line where things meet that mixture of Mature and Obscene. Example: I like seeing many of the old style art and sculptures and photographs but in the same aspect I like the newer style of photo realism and Nudes. A lot of the world I build and create I try to keep PG on the surface and subtle hints or blatant expressions of X rated material within. I'm not trying to make things obviously wrong or sick, but life isn't obviously wrong or sick just filled with things that catch our eye and if you understand the sick and twisted this just catches your eye.
I think I'm trying to over explain here. Maybe it's the need of an audience or maybe it's that I need to create. I'll let my art continue to do the speaking and you the reader can express your opinions.
- William Dreimann
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