Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How far can one run with Madness???

I'd love to say that their is some logic to what I do artistically. That what I put together on a page makes sense to me and therefore is logically sound but I'll be honest there is no rhyme or reason it's just impulse. My artwork has always been my mind wandering between worlds, little bits of music work their way into my drawings and even all my self expressions have some warped piece of something I've experienced pulled into it. I have witnesses that can vouch for me asking for things to add just to fill an image. Yet I try to put in some mixture of reference so that the image doesn't become some mass of my thoughts and thus I tend to hold back on some details.
     I'll admit the hardest thing for me to do is to stick to an image plan. Thus my pen and ink work tends to take a while to get somewhere that I'm happy with. But as some can see it gets progress. So with that in mind I'm trying to get some quick and crazy photoshop work done. With that I'm looking for a muse, a victim ehem... a body to photo-manipulate. Now what I mean by this is not I take a pic of you and make it do lots of dirty horrible things..... (although that could be fun) What I'm talking about is taking a picture of someone some thing basic simple and essentially adding effects and morphing them into a work of art. Now I only have 3 basic requirements here.
  1. The pic be clean (no that doesn't mean family friendly). What I'm talking about here is it's you with decent lighting on a solid color background in whatever pose you choose.
  2. The pic is something you would not mind being posted online. I don't care if you're nude, covered in mud or drenched in paint but if you care that it get posted online lets try to keep it clean.
  3. The pic is something you want to work with. So yes lets say you want to be nude covered in red paint standing against a white backdrop. After I'm done with it, I'd like it to be something I can post online with a before and after. Yeah this is somewhat the same as 2, but I'd like to do somewhat of an interview with you and get your opinions on the piece so yes lets make it something you're willing to associate yourself with.
Anyone interested please email me at Jebus1381@gmail.com and feel free to ask any questions you wish and if you want be a part of the artwork.

- William Dreimann

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