I'm one for the movies and gaming, I make no statement of denying this. I feel that media has an amazing effect on the artistic views of an artist. A great story and some amazing effects keep the mind going. Especially since there are things the viewer can reflect upon. I'll admit that I've put elements of games and movies I've seen into my artwork, some may recognize it others may feel a hint of it, to the rest of the world though it's something new they have never seen. I feel it is the purpose of an artist to convey some attributes of the world they experience in their art. I'm not saying this is a requirement, but it does help connect the art to the public.
I've seen photo's from such shows as "I am 8bit" and others that give a public expression of things we have all experienced in this day and age. It may not be in a visual experience where you can tell right away what the artist is aiming at, but it's clear enough that you can find a common ground. With visions such as this I hope to see a growth in the artistic community. Hopefully an expression of things that go beyond "meme's" and social acceptance but into things that grow and share a common bond with us all. This may be a rant of someone who is looking for an outlet, but it's also a hope that people continue to support the arts and expression of the artists.
- William Dreimann
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