Wednesday, August 28, 2013

An update of sorts.... kinda sorta eh

Well, where to begin..... I have a habit of starting projects and getting lost in them, then playing a videogame and getting lost in it so things get a bit back logged. Here's a new batch for the masses.
I know October is a bit away yet, but I somehow got in the mood to do something halloweenish. This is what happened. 
Part of my Nightmare series. I don't think it comes across the way I wanted, but I think it has a nice flare so I decided to keep it. 
I've been working on making believable flames this comes pretty close to what I wanted, but not quite there. 
This has a multitude of approaches, but overall I was trying to go minimalistic. I think it works for that, but still has some over complications.
goofing off on my tablet..... yeah I know it's kinda femme but that was what I was trying for I think the kiss is a bit much but I thought I could manipulate it to a t-shirt design.
I've been playing these lyrics in my head for a while it's sort of a Marilyn Manson approach to an inner self portrait. I think the words represent me well.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Continuation of Nightmares and some Me.


     So as some of you may know I'm one of those people who have a sleeping issue. It's not that I can't sleep it's that I cannot make myself sleep. It has to come naturally and well it doesn't tend to like me trying to sleep. Thus these thoughts cross my mind. Most of which are nightmares born from my mind. Now to clarify I'm not using nightmares properly most people refer to things as nightmares if it scares them. These are thoughts that wake me not frighten me awake. But they are mutations from my mind. so it leads to sorta work for their design structure. As well my own self image has been getting many of revamps. I'll be honest I'm not sure which one truly reflects me the most. It's that perfect reflection of my inner mind that I desire. Call it vanity if you will but I'm trying to show me but not me..... any who..... That's the update.
- William Dreimann.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Profile Pics and such

So again I was photo playing and decided to take a few more shots as I was getting this really cool almost rock star effect going and decided to see where it took me.
This one has possibility, but I think the dark was too much.

This one reminds me of an album cover but just poorly done.

There is a painful questioning look here. I was about to sneeze so that's why but it looked somewhat right for the ideal.

I liked the layout and for some reason this just worked for me.

I love this this is just an awesome finish

I had this really cool effect and never even knew it
- William Dreimann.

Same Picture Different Mind.

     I was playing with a photo editor program last night and realized a lot of my self shot portraits I tend to go back to the same picture to play with it over and over thus I wanted to post this collaboration of them to see if I can get a mental response and see what the thoughts were. The following all look different but are indeed the same picture.

Maybe it's me....
- William Dreimann

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Artistic Overload 3.0

Decided to do a flame guide and some other random pieces.




Friday, August 2, 2013

More of the Nightmare Series

Dream Heart:
I think the best way to explain this is I love to dream and yet I occasionally fall to insomnia. Thus leading to a nightmare of my own passion. 
Man in box:
This has got a multiple approach and was a lot of detail work just to get it to look like this. A lot of it spawns from the old head cages from the insane asylum days, that and listening to Alice in Chains. 
The Eye:
This was a mixture as well of thought and that I know so so many people who have an issue with eyes. I was playing with my fire effect that I do from basically scratch and this cute yet weird oddity emerged. I call him blinky.
- William Dreimann.