Well, where to begin..... I have a habit of starting projects and getting lost in them, then playing a videogame and getting lost in it so things get a bit back logged. Here's a new batch for the masses.
I know October is a bit away yet, but I somehow got in the mood to do something halloweenish. This is what happened.
Part of my Nightmare series. I don't think it comes across the way I wanted, but I think it has a nice flare so I decided to keep it.
I've been working on making believable flames this comes pretty close to what I wanted, but not quite there.
This has a multitude of approaches, but overall I was trying to go minimalistic. I think it works for that, but still has some over complications.
goofing off on my tablet..... yeah I know it's kinda femme but that was what I was trying for I think the kiss is a bit much but I thought I could manipulate it to a t-shirt design.
I've been playing these lyrics in my head for a while it's sort of a Marilyn Manson approach to an inner self portrait. I think the words represent me well.